AMAZONIA ELASTIC : water-based ink on polyester, with excellent elasticity, for textile screen printing
This range of water-based ink on polyester, cotton and cotton/polyester “ready-to-use” is designed for direct printing on textiles.
The inks are available in opaque colors for light colored and dark textiles. It is characterized by its excellent elasticity, offering very beautiful prints on elastic cottons (body, jersey). This water-based ink on polyester is printable on manual, semi-automatic and automatic carousels.
The AMAZONIA ELASTIC series is approved GOTS Chemical Inputs V7.

Ready to use

Excellent elasticity

High opacity
■ Cotton
■ Polyester
■ Cotton/polyester
Technical specifications
Composition :
Free formaldehyde, PVC, phthalates, APEO (alkylphenol ethoxylates)
and heavy metals.
Aspect :
Satin, glossy.
Touch feel :
Colors :
AMAZONIA ELASTIC inks are declinable in Pantone® colors.
The AMAZONIA ELASTIC and AMAZONIA series can be mixed.
Average yield :
Screen 49 t/cm : 10 sqm/kg.
Washability :
Bluish black TE and white OPE : good at 40°C.
Shades and opaque white OPE : good at 60°C.
Ironing :
On the reverse side.
Shelf life :
Unopened, 1 year in a dry and ventilated room,
temperature 15 to 35°C.
Contact us now at +33 (0) 4 74 37 33 80/97